Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Do Top Notch B*tches really get most not the lesser

Do Top Notch B*tches really get most not the lesser

 It seem like every woman today want to be considered the next bad b*tch. Thinking that acheving this goal would put them up into a certain standard in life.~Era Nichole    

Everywhere I turn their are promotions on beauty and hair products including high fashion. I can not lie I fall victim to the machine to at times. I mean look at the music videos and commercials, we can't forget the infamous magazines. It is everywhere a standard on the expectations of beauty for women. I recently seen the Weight Watchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson. She looks amazinly beautiful which I thought she always was but these images is shoved down our throats at least thirty times a day. I know I'm not the only one who started seriously counting the calories.


 Between those images and the daily compeition in the atlanta social scene, it is hard to wrap my head around the things women will go through to be considered a bad b*tch. In recent news reports there was a year 20 old black woman from London who flew over to Philadelphia,Pennsylvania to meet with a unknown person in a hotel room, to receive buttocks injections due to a recent rejection at a casting call for a rap video. She died hours later from complications from the injections. The perception of what is a bad b*tch runs far deeper than anyone can ever imagine.

If a women think that being the most beautiful girl in world will keep a mans attention think again. I never understood this concept until I sat down with some well educated attractive men that would be considered a catch. Most of them said they could have a very attractive female that they are dating and if they go out and see another attractive women pass their eyes would wander. This is because men are always attracted to something new. They thrive on variety not just beauty.

A light bulb went off in my head. Now women can understand why the Halle Berry's and Eva Longoria's of the world would still get cheated on. These women are considered the epitome of beauty in our society. Their are so many beautiful women in the world with great bodies but what do you have besides your beauty that will make you stand out. I know a woman with substance that have a passion in life would cause a man to focus their attention on what would make him a better man. Not just eye candy on their arm.

I understand that the quality of a women do not have any thing to do with looks. It's only her character and strength that would a blessing for that man. A true example of beauty is being self less. If you were to contract a form cancer that would cause you to lose your appearence would that make you any less beautiful. Now I'm not saying don't keep your self up but you have to understand your motives behind beauty. Do not allow the your image of beauty to be the force behind attracting a certain type of man or lifestyle. Understand as much time you spend on your physical appearence you should spend more on the person with in. Once you have a understanding of the machine which is the beauty and fashion industry it can no longer dictate your life. You will not view your worth by retriving designer bags and clothes or even having the lastest hair weave.

 If you are empty inside you will have nothing to offer to keep a man's attention. When bad b*tch number 2 walks by you are out of luck. Some men are going to be dogs it is in their nature so they say. If he acts on his thoughts then he is not the one for you any way. If he is with you for your beauty as soon as something change he will direct his attention else where. It is important to build on substance.

Realistically I know the machine would never come to a end. The beauty industry is a billion dollar business. Money is what drives the world by any means necessary, even at the cost of our young girls and a lost generation. This message is for women to recognize the machine in their lives and take control over what they consider beautiful. Don't allow yourself to be thrown into societies expectations.

 A Era Nichole Exclusive

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